Monday, July 19, 2010

Skateboarding Tips for Beginner

I hope this guide helps all looking to enjoy the freedom of skateboarding.
First off is the Deck. Now I'm only gonna cover one thing at a time and this blog will be a series.

Deck: When choosing your deck, make sure you consider these three things The concave of the board, the width of the board, the tail of your board, and your shoe size. Yes, shoe size. You'll see why in a minute.

Concave: Concave is the curvature of your board. Some say that a board with a deep concave makes it easier to do flip tricks. I think its mostly width that determines that. Just make sure its comfortable.

Width: Your width is determine by your shoe size mostly. I mean keep in mind a wider board is not only harder to flip, but also wieghs more. So it'll take more effort on your part to get it off the ground. Take your shoe size into consideration by standing on it and make sure that its not only comfortable but that your heel comes completely off the board but barely.

Tail: not alot to say. Just make sure its comfortable to rest your foot on, and, when you pop your board to stand it up it should also feel comportable. Its mostly personal preference.

Thanks for reading next one will be on the Trucks of your board. Also take a look at the ads by google.

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